Wj Christ Olyslaegers
Holistisch therapeute/NLP trainer
Betreft biedt voor u Chrystal Brains met Woji Christ.
Your personal analyst and coaching trainer, international academic certified with more than 30 years experience.
Provides personal brain training and analyses.
A Herlaar 17 "Molenhuis", 2270 Herenthout
M +32 (0) 491 33 53 98
T +32 (0) 14 51 59 11
M queesteofenergy@gmail.com
Belfius Banking
IBAN BE 71 0689 0608 1269
BetterFly Coaching en -Trainings werkt onder de Internationale medisch-therapeutische Vzw A Queeste of Energy.
Meer informatie vindt u op de website www.aqueesteofenergy.be